Screen Time for Minors and How to Prevent Effects of it?

Amna Arif
3 min readAug 16, 2022


The pandemic survey assessed: 70% of U.S parents were worried about their kid’s screen time. 93% of children aged between 10 to 14 used screens for more than 2 hours in a day.

It’s not only about teenagers, but infants and toddlers are more affected by screen time.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggests that no screen time for kids before they turn 2. The initial growing years of a kid are most crucial; They develop their cognitive thinking in that period.

For children aged 1–2 years, physical interaction is a key to learning.

Also, research shows that social interaction is extremely important to learn a language, and a child can only learn new things by exploring the environment.

Screen time generates health problems

Screen time not only leads to physical problems but generates psychological problems as well.

Once you open your device, they draw you in. And you don’t even realize how much time you spend on your favorite series.

You promise with yourself that one episode per night, but who doesn’t love binge watching with your favorite snacks?

But as an adult, you consider this as a bad habit and put down your phone aside. However, Kids aren’t aware of this concept.

Here they cause themselves two problems at the same time.

Late night snacking causes them obesity. Because children aren’t aware of what and how much they consume during the screen time.

It’s just not that, A recent research states that teens are suffering from depression, anxiety and behavioral issues. And they’re less focused while toddlers can have difficulties in cognitive growth.

Schedule a balance screen time in your child’s routine

As a parent, it’s your responsibility to monitor your child’s screen timing.

But how can you execute the best solutions for them? Here, are some recommendations:

  • Set a time limit.
  • No screen time for less than 18 months except chatting with family members.
  • Between, 18–24 months only educational programs are allowed.
  • For children 2–5, 1 hour per day under your supervision.
  • Shutdown all kinds of screens 1 hour before sleeping. because emitting high energy blue light not only damages your retina; it can be a cause of your irregular sleep.
  • You’re an ideal of your child. Whatever you do, kids imitate you. So, never use your phone during family time. Especially on the meal table. Let them learn the process of eating and let them enjoy themselves.

Create a substitute for screen time

Screens have become a part of our lives. Wherever you go, you can’t forget to take your devices. It’s hard to get rid of it.

But you can create some unique substitutes for your children, so they can forget their phones for some time and adore the experience of real life.

You can consider the following options:

. prioritize your family time. Make them realize family comes first, and it’s a real means of life.

. Take them to a garden/park where they can see nature and cherish its beauty.

. Give them new activities, so they provoke their cognitive thinking.

. Play, jump and run with them so their physical activity increases.

Make screen time productive

Quality makes everything untroubled.

If you supervise your children while they’re using the screen, screen time can be a plus point.

Tell them what’s right and wrong. Ask questions about what’s going around on the screen.

If their favorite character is doing something productive, ask them to do it as well. So it will also make screen time productive.


Managing your kid’s screen time must be challenging. However, it is worth the effort. Your small contribution in daily life makes a huge difference in the kid’s learning development. But you’ve to make sure that you don’t eliminate the word screen from their lives. Otherwise, they can be uncontrollable.

