5 Ways To Improve Your Productivity

Amna Arif
3 min readDec 24, 2022


You've got so many tasks to get done, but do you feel burned out?

You work hard to do your assignments, but there aren’t enough hours in the day.

Being mindful of your 24 hours will not only help you achieve your goals, It will boost your productivity, too.

Regrettably, it’s so easy to be distracted in the age of technology. You reach for your phone to check an important email, but it draws you into its trap.

Now you’ve wasted your hours and had a panic attack!!

But the good news is that you can overcome this problem by incorporating these 5 ways to effectively build your productivity and work.

Multitasking Decreases Productivity

Multitasking might sound exciting and compelling. But do you know it causes a decline in productivity?

Multitasking is just a myth. Professor Earl K. Miller states, " Multitasking is not human nature.”

The research found that our brain has a bounded capacity, and you can store limited information simultaneously.

If you’re living under this multitasking illusion, you’re harming your brain cells. According to a study at the University of Sussex, “continuously multitasking shatters your brain”.

Sometimes, you consciously and unconsciously focus on more than one task, resulting in low productivity. To avoid that problem, use the following techniques.

Take a Break to Improve Your Productivity

You’ve heard a lot about how to increase your productivity.

However, focusing on taking a break might be rare for you.

Andrew Smart, the author of ‘’Autopilot: The Art And Science Of Doing Nothing,’’ Promotes the idea of taking breaks. According to him, when you sit with a relaxed mind, it can boost your productivity.

Also, a recent study shows that our brain is guided in two modes: Focus mode, which helps us maximize our concentration, and diffusion mode relaxes and saves brain energy to increase productivity.

Diffusion mode plays a vital role in your life. When your brain is in this mode, it focuses on your tacky problems. And brush up on your creativity.

According to behavioural scientist Nir Eyal: “ The right kind of break can counter these negative effects. Good breaks reduce mental fatigue, boost brain function and help us stay focused.’’

Small Goals Maximize Your Productivity

Big projects and short deadlines!!

Sounds scary?

But you can quickly complete your goals by breaking them into smaller parts.

Firstly, make your to-do list to track your work capacity then pick your project and divide that into short parts.

For instance, split up the words if you have to write 3,000 words in 2 days. Do research in the morning part, write 4–5 headings in the mid-half, and complete other headings in the evening and at night.

And then edit your work the next day.

The good news is: you’ve completed the task within your tight deadline.

Always set milestones that won’t burden you; you get those tasks done as easily as you read this article.

Prioritize Your Task

Prioritizing can make your life easier. It seems simple, but have you ever implemented it?

If not, you can use Pareto Principle

But what is it?

It’s also called the 80/20 rule. The strategy states that: out of the entire to-do list, complete 20% of tasks, impacting 80% of your goal.

To obtain your target, identify the crucial task to complete. This way, you start focusing on your day's main goal and can finalize that within a given timeline.

Or is there any task that’s an obstacle to your other project?

So, do that right now and start your other project, too. This simple technique works wonders.

Keep Your Mind and Body Healthy

According to research from the Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO), Workers who consume a proper diet throughout the day are 25% more likely to achieve tremendous job success.

It’s also critical to get enough sleep at night and wake up rested the next day.


People may feel overwhelmed and unproductive at work throughout the day; following these simple tips will help you eliminate that feeling and get back on track to productivity.

